Practice Areas
Looking to buy property in New Zealand ? We can assist with your purchase as foreign investor or expat returning home Below are some of the basics about buying property in New Zealand.
Overseas Investors Office
You may need to apply to the Overseas Investment Office (OIO) for consent if you are an overseas person, or an associate of an overseas person, and you wish to acquire:
- Sensitive land or an interest in sensitive land (e.g. by buying shares in a company that owns sensitive land)
- Business assets worth more than $100 million
- Fishing quota or an interest in fishing quota
Property Portfolio Planning
Property portfolio planning is imperitive to any investor, be it the novice starting out with there first do-up property or the seasoned investor with a large existing stock portfolio.
There are some very smart ways of achieving property success either as an individual or through a unit property trust, let our advisors guide you through this process to maximise your property wealth.
Resource Management Act
The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), New Zealand’s main piece of legislation that sets out how we should manage our environment.
District plans, resource consents, environmental effects… what’s it all about.
Checking and ensuring the property you purchase meets the current RMA, for the purpose for which you wish to use it, this includes zoning, consented use by right, limited notification of proposed use, or public notification of proposed changes.
Property Law
We can assist you with:
- Buying and Selling a Property
- Complete Loan Arrangements with Financiers
- Form a Company or Family Trust
- Complete powers of attorney allowing others to deal with your investments
- Deal with property in the event of death
Conveyancing is the term used to describe the legal work required to transfer the ownership of real estate from one person or entity to another.
When buying or selling a property you will need to engage a registered Conveyancing practitioner or lawyer to transfer the title settle rates with local authorities and discharge security holdings.
Investing and doing business in New Zealand
People wishing to invest funds in New Zealand can apply for residence under the investor/investor plus categories or if you are entrepreneur you can apply under the investor plus categories Talk to us today about real estate unit trusts and the benefits they can have toward your immigration status.